Friday, March 21, 2008

The Shadow Knows

Good Friday. A shadow day if there ever was one. As per usual, my mother called last night to remind me to attend a Good Friday service.

"I gave up church for Lent," I joked. She, being the good Catholic she is, didn't think that was funny. Having been brought up a good Catholic girl in a Catholic/Jewish household (for the first nine years of my life, anyway), I've always been "guilted" into faith. Or, at least, that's what it feels like to me. While my father conceded to my mother's need to raise us Catholic, he still held out for Passover each year. It wasn't until I graduated high school, that I took the time to learn more about my Jewish heritage.

The end result is that I have grown more and more detached from religion, and on days like today, Good Friday looms over me like a shadow.


TheSnarkiest said...

Honesty is always refreshing.

I also enjoy the photos at your blog. I can see how a small town photographer couldn't let her artistic eye show. Thanks for sharing with us.

Deadman said...

Shabbat shalom!

Josh said...

I've always wondered why it's called "Good" Friday. It was pretty crappy for Jesus.

Anonymous said...

They probably didn't call it good at the time either!

Deadman said...

Dammit. Another one bites the dust...